My People have this saying that "when hunters have learnt to shoot without missing, birds have also learnt to fly without perching".....and in this case the bird that is the EAGLE called GEJ will soar above its enemies whether real or imagined...
Like I told someone some days ago, the ascent of GEJ to the reverred throne that is the Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, has been fraught with all manners of distraction in the last 100 days.. One wonders if this is not the same GEJ that people were ready to lay their lives on the line to ensure he was giving
his due when the cabal held sway in the twilight days of the Umaru Musa Yar'dua Presidency... One wonders if this is not the same GEJ that people celebrated and named their new born children after he was sworn into office in May 2010...One wonders if this is not the same GEJ that the whole Nation rose up
behind following the dastardly Bomb explosion on the day of the celebration of the Nation's 50th ..One wonders if it's not the same GEJ that people defied the elements for to troop out enmasse to vote for, even in strongholds that were not the PDP's.......One wonders if this is not the same GEJ that people travelled from far and wide to witness that memorable day on the 29th of May 2011 at the Eagle square Abuja when he took the oath of office as duly elected President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria..The day we had all waited with bated breathe for, the day we were to recieve the full dose of the FRESH AIR promised us....his due when the cabal held sway in the twilight days of the Umaru Musa Yar'dua Presidency... One wonders if this is not the same GEJ that people celebrated and named their new born children after he was sworn into office in May 2010...One wonders if this is not the same GEJ that the whole Nation rose up
And today I have chosen to wonder no more, because as the clouds clear up, I see more clearly and need not wonder anymore.
The fact is that GEJ happened.......
The fact is...a paradigm shift occured on the 29th of May '11 of the kind that no one who has been keeping tabs on the Nation's pulse in the last 50 years could ever imagine....the very thing that had eluded men with greater pedigree happened, all the more painful because it happened to a simple Ijaw boy who grew up without shoes on the shores of the Niger Delta and not some aristocrat who had been groomed from infancy to ascend the throne that had come to be viewed as the sole preserve of a select few......
Is it any wonder therefore that the foot soldiers waiting in the shadows to do the bid of those who should have been king, came calling, leaving in their wake the blood of innocents who simply answered the clarion call to serve fatherland....
Is it any wonder that the resentment of this Ijaw Boy was enough to push people to extremes, suicide bombings, senseless killing and maiming all in a bid to make life in the palace unbearable for our Ijaw Boy and perharps send him scuttling back to the creeks...but trust our Ijaw boy cut in the mould of the proverbial "possum", he trudges on to the consternation of those who would be King....
......Enter affords them the opening they have been looking for, the age old war strategy of aiming for the heels of Achilles.
Is it any wonder therefore that Oronto Douglas has been tagged as the "heels" that have to be targetted to bring Achilles crumbling down...."Take what is dearest to a man and watch him come apart"...
It has become a staple for every sordid rumour and marvelous story to supposedly have it's source from a wikileaks if From the Holy the battle has shifted gears to plant evil seeds in Mr President's heart against his aides.....
I wonder why people who have gone to town celebrating what some are calling Oronto Douglas' duplicity, have not requested for full disclosure from Sahara Reporters.
One wonders why the cable published by saharareporters and purported to be from wikileaks ("purported" because it has not been found on wikileaks site and SR has yet to disclose how they got it) is not reliable because the Political Officer reported a direct conversation he had with Mr. Douglas that pointed at Mr. Douglas' loyalty to then Governor Goodluck Jonathan whom he painted in glowing terms as one who is respected amongst Ijaw leaders as well as one who has impacted the life of the grassroots people positively by initiating and implementing a development initiative called Bayelsa Partnership Initiative (BPI). in that conversation Mr. Douglas stated that this programme would be extended nation wide when the then governor becomes Vice President.
The damaging conversation reported in the alleged cable from the Political Officer relates to a second hand hearsay report related to Browne by his underling the Political Counsel. Now it would not make sense that Mr. Douglas knowing that the Political Officer and the Political Counsel work together would go on to give each of them contradictory statements in less than 24 hours when he knew they could easily cross reference what he had said to them individually (note that the cable states that Mr. Douglas met PolOff in the morning and met PolCouns the night before)
Did I say "One" wonders?, well I have stopped wondering because the answer is clear.
Today Oronto is their toarget, I wonder who they will have their sights on next?
GOD BLESS US ALL !!!!!!!!!
Nigeria Must Survive
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