Finally, I am getting my daily “Constitution on the GO” fix at at the behest of Reno Omokri’s “IMPACT NIGERIA-READ THE CONSTITUTION” web based Campaign and have so far discovered that in my demand for good governance without the benefit of knowing my rights as a citizen of Nigeria, I ran the risk of being short changed if I remained none the wiser of what was in this document.
The government can’t cheat me if I know my rights. So how can I know my rights if I don’t read the Constitution? So read it I DID!!!
Many times I have criticized government-especially the FG- for what I term “unconstitutional conduct” especially in the area of Education, so it’s no surprise that my first port of call was Constitutional provisions for the education about Moment of Epiphany,
I never knew Secondary education is the constitutional responsibility of the state. Did You?
I never knew Universities are a joint FG/State responsibility. Did You?
It was so good to learn that Every Nigerian has a right to quality education within the resources available. And failure to have this is a right actionable in court as with many other rights laid out in the constitution.
Reading the Constitution will not blunt my criticism, but rather will make it more accurate. My demand for good governance and accountability will be well targeted from here on and aimed in the right direction to the appropriate tier of government.
There's a world of untapped info that could change my life when I read the constitution.
If every Nigerian can Identify 1 responsibility each for their LGA, State and FG then become a vigilante to ensure it’s fulfilled then be sure there marks the beginning of a step in the right direction.
Gone are the days when you think your voice will not be heard; today you can get the message to your President/Governor/LGA Chairman?.
How? You may ask; Start with your FB/Twitter circle of friends. It'll spread to their ear
Do this and you will be able to answer this question positively-How has Nigeria benefited by having Me as a citizen?
Wonderful. This once again emphasizes why every Nigerian must read the constitution as it would not only guide them but also make them better informed.