As long as the Social, Political and Economic landscape of the country is plagued by Corruption and unpatriotic acts in the forms of fraud, disunity, tribalism, indiscipline, nepotism etc, a national, sustainable blueprint for development -which is in effect the bedrock of Mr President’s Transformational Agenda- cannot be established. Only upon a foundation of genuine unity, harmony and understanding among the diverse people of the six geopolitical zones that make up Nigeria, can Mr President have an enabling environment in which to govern and subsequently achieve the goals of this administration.
As We count down to the 51st independent Anniversary of the country, what better way to start preparing for the good times Mr President promised than for all Nigerians to embark on a total reorientation of our
value system that will result in attitudinal and social changes that would have us united in flying the Nation’s Flag with Pride. We must all begin to accept the oneness of the Nigerian family and the
interconnectivity of the different ethnic nationalities and geopolitical zones through marriage, residency and other affiliations. We must honestly begin to see ourselves as the collective “WE”.
value system that will result in attitudinal and social changes that would have us united in flying the Nation’s Flag with Pride. We must all begin to accept the oneness of the Nigerian family and the
interconnectivity of the different ethnic nationalities and geopolitical zones through marriage, residency and other affiliations. We must honestly begin to see ourselves as the collective “WE”.
Much as we eagerly look forward to positive results following the Nigerian Investors forum in New York City during the UN General Assembly this past week; that would hopefully see Nigeria evolve into a major Economic hub in the sub region albeit the continent; We should not for a moment fail to understand that all such good intentions and the many others that have been outlined by this administration run the risk of coming to nought if the home front is in disarray.
No amount of place branding, external marketing with catchy slogans will cut it if we refuse to stand as one “TO TAKE BACK NIGERIA” from the vicious grip of corruption, tribalism, religious intolerance and more that have held her bound for so long.
I am very certain it wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to identify where it all went wrong as I am sure so many of us have our opinions of when the nation took a “WRONG TURN”.
Granted, some argue that because we were cobbled together by Lord Lugard irrespective of our ideologies and persuasions and named “Nigeria” by his wife, it was a matter of time before the ties that bound us together wore out. But the fact remains that this is how the reality of what is today Nigeria came about. Every Nation has a story to tell about its origins, but it behoves on every true patriot to ensure that the Dreams of the Founding Fathers be kept alive.
The tie that continues to bind us is our unique diversity. Our Founding Fathers knew this and on that memorable day in 1959 when Sir Tafawa Balewa passed the fourth motion for independence from the 2nd of April 1960 to the 1st of October 1960, our fate was sealed. Sadly we have lost sight of the power our diversity affords us and have allowed ourselves to fall prey to the evils that threaten to destroy the very fabric of what we hold dear.
Every Nigerian over 40 years of age has fond memories of what it was like to be a Nigerian back in the day, when Nigeria held its own favourably in the polity of Nations. We were the envy of the continent “THE GIANT OF AFRICA” a time when we were not a Pariah state. Today I choose not to play the blame card as to what and where with it all went wrong. All I pray for is that we stand United to “GET IT RIGHT” this time under the watch of GEJ as we mark the 1st year of our next 50.
Let Every Nigerian (Leaders and the Governed) start by reiterating a commitment to:
• Fostering the true concept of NIGERIAN CITIZENSHIP
• Inspiring every Nigerian to begin to see themselves as stakeholders in the
project “Nigeria” for indeed "FRESH AIR HAS COME".
• Entrench an ethic that will enable each of us become active and constructive
participants in the polity for sustainable development
• Bring about an end to the ills that have held us bound for many years e.g
Bribery; Fraud; Embezzlement; Extortion; Favoritism; Nepotism, Indiscipline
• Motivate every Nigeria around us to develop a profound sense of
responsibility for the fate of the country and for the well-being of all
Commitment must be pursued with all the vigor, moral courage and conviction that Mr President, all leaders within the polity and every Nigerian can muster.
As we celebrate our 51st year ON THE 1ST OF October 2011, we should be reminded of Mr President’s words, “......Our nation is going through tough times but because Nigerians are tougher, these tough times will not last...” GEJ ... Facebook Post 22/08/11.
Yes, the tide of the tough times is fast ebbing.
I am confident that one day soon, all will be able to say; “WE the people of Nigeria, are one Family; One Nation, One People; celebrating UNITY IN DIVERSITY”.
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