“...Our nation is going through tough times but because Nigerians are tougher, these tough times will not last...” Goodluck Jonathan FB 22/08/11
GEJ'S Facebook post of 22/08/11 above elicited a lot of reactions on the thread when it was published. It afforded  virtual Soldiers the opportunity to yet again via their posts to declare for or against the leadership style of Mr President who was from the look of things at the time, swamped by the burden of Executive duties especially in the face of prevailing Security Challenges at the time. It was by its timing, of significance to me and was to ultimately mark a Turning Point with regard to my perception of everything NIGERIA and I daresay it formed the bedrock of my OTBN (OPERATION TAKE BACK NIGERIA) Initiative.
His words though brusque and to the point evoked a lot of mixed emotions for me. If you recall, it was made a few short weeks after the bomb blast at the police HQ in Abuja and a few short days shy of the bomb blast at the UN Building also in Abuja. It looked by all standards that the Nation was under siege. By its sheer 'bravado', the words above all else, brought me out of the depths of despondency;I had reached a point where I had honestly began to fear for My Country; It made me believe primarily, that contrary to widely held beliefs and pontificating by a minority, that the entity of Nigeria as We know it, could still be rescued from the brink of extinction by way of implosion resulting from the internal strife that many had by now attributed religious and ethnic colourations.
Another thought that took root in mind and refused to let go, was the fact of how easily we have conditioned ourselves to play the ethno-religious blame trading game:

I wondered why in the wake of our current problems and challenges , many were united in crediting Lord Lugard’s ‘cobbling’ resulting in the amalgamated entity Nigeria in 1914 as the ‘Prime Suspect’.

Were we not the same cobbled entity when We experienced the periods of Oil Boom and Glory Years?  A period when Nigeria became the envy of the Black Continent and beyond?.
These questions and more led me to a place of understanding that August evening. Call it a ‘light bulb moment’ or any other fanciful name, but it was for me simply, a deep understanding that we had lost the ESSENCE of what made us UNIQUE.
WE HAD LOST NIGERIA in our preoccupation with SELF.
WE HAD LOST OUR NIGERIAN VALUES of cultivating tolerance and brotherhood; of nurturing and appreciating the richness and importance of the country’s diverse cultural, religious and social systems that had no doubt been a contributing factor to our hosting FESTAC 77?
WE HAD LOST NIGERIA in our complacency (our I don’t care attitude), now NIGERIA was in bondage; a Lawful/unlawful Captive of Massive Corruption (Bribery; Fraud; Embezzlement; Extortion; Favoritism; Nepotism, Indiscipline etc)
WE HAD LOST OUR UNIQUE NIGERIAN SWAG and had sadly evolved into a people defined by foreign perception. We had become so engrossed in obsessing about what they thought about us rather than what we thought of ourselves, resulting in ridiculous place (re)branding campaigns targeting foreign investors and Governments whilst underestimating the importance of motivating all Nigerians to develop a profound sense of responsibility for the fate of the country and for the well-being of all their co-compatriots.
I knew without a doubt, that since GEJ’s promise of an end to tough times meant a beginning of good times; then it behove on each and every one of us to start laying foundations for the good times ahead.
I therefore concluded that all Nigerians should choose to embark on a value (Re) orientation that will result in attitudinal and social changes that would hopefully:
Foster in all of us the true concept of NIGERIAN CITIZENSHIP.
Entrench an ethic that will enable us become active, constructive participants in the polity for sustainable development.

Nigeria has in recent years been ranked the lowest in sustainable development and ranked high in corruption index.   I BELIEVE we can easily turn the situation around; ranking highest in sustainable development and lowest in Corruption. All it requires is :  
A personal commitment by every Nigerian to do RIGHT.  
A personal commitment by every Nigerian to see ourselves as stakeholders in the project “New Nigeria” for CHANGE to come.
If it's anywhere near as successful as we have been in embracing CORRUPTION; I am certain that in No Time We would achieve the primary 'liberating' objective of OPERATION TAKE BACK NIGERIA as follows:
  • TAKING BACK NIGERIA from the brink of the ABYSS
  • TAKING BACK NIGERIA from the shackles of CORRUPTION
  • TAKING BACK NIGERIA from the Hands of all Its ENEMIES
God Bless Nigeria!!!
