Deranged mind of the "Sleeping with dead wives" Cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari

Zamzami Abdul Bari showing widowers the way to "RIDE"

I chose not to comment on the Daily Mail UK report of yesterday, announcing plans by Egypt's Islamist dominated Parliament to present a proposal for ‘farewell intercourse law’ that would legally permit husbands to have sex with their wives up to six hours after their demise; for the simple reason that writing on such a topic would have cast a shadow of morbidity over my wedding anniversary.
As to be expected, the news was followed by a barrage of outrage in the media not just from women groups in Egypt but also from people the world over; people like me.

I thought it was sheer madness that members of the Egyptian Parliament would even consider a proposal for a law that would endorse the despicable act of necrophilia simply on the say so of the Moroccan Cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari, who in May 2011 asserted that under Islam, marriage remains valid after death. I wondered if perhaps the “Arab Spring” that swept through Egypt over a year ago had left their Parliament with warped sensibilities about the “best practices” for a better Egypt.
In my opinion, I consider the very notion of it a travesty against the very principles that guide human existence. Acts that even the US with all the liberties it affords its citizens draws the line at. I wondered what purpose it would serve if implemented. What pleasure would a man get from lying with the lifeless body of his wife except he’s a closet necrophiliac given to thoughts of such perversion in the past? After all one would imagine that a husband would be so distraught at the passing of his wife and erotica should be the last thing on his mind. Then again, who knows, may be plans for the law may very well be a twisted plot by some perverts in government to introduce into the mainstream, macabre ritualistic rites hitherto practiced secretly.
Whatever the case and since an official of the Egypt Embassy in the UK had denied the allegations, I was interested in knowing what was behind Abdul Bari’s comments and whilst not attempting to cut him any slack, I realised that missing from the news report was the circumstances behind such a perverse comment. I just had to know the context in which he made such a sick statement.
Not one easily phased by the prospect of trawling the web, I did the needful and to be honest I shouldn’t have bothered because it was a total waste of time. I discovered that Abdul Bari a senior official no less an Expert in Exceptional Matters of the Habous Ministry in Morocco was in my opinion certifiably psychotic. Only a deranged mind would justify necrophilia (which by the way is already lawful (Halal) in Morocco) by means of an analogy thus:  ... “Since a good Muslim couple will meet again in Heaven, and since death does not alter the marital contract (in his opinion) it is not a hindrance to the husband’s desire to have sexual intercourse with the corpse of his (freshly) deceased wife.”  
Much as I wouldn’t want to tread on eggshells here by speaking on “you know what”, since I wouldn’t want Fatwa declared against me if I “misrepresent’, nonetheless I know that this Buffoon is on his own on this and nowhere in Islamic doctrine is such a despicable act tolerated therefore all I can say to Abdul Bari is “ Oga your HALAL IS HARAM”
watch Abdul- Bari putting his "madness" ln perspective  HERE

 Stay Rooted

