It's TIME We got Value for Our Money: Demanding Quality Service one poll at a time


Undoubtedly the majority ‘talk the talk’, they speak of how important the consumer is to the bottom-line of their businesses but how many really do ‘walk the talk? At best, they throw crumbs at us by way of periodic bonanzas and silly incentives; how many give us the Services they promise? How many give us real value for our money?
What do they care when the agency that should act as watch dog and run interference between both sides; the Consumer and Services Provider seats back and does nothing. It’s no surprise then that they turn humungous profits yearly.
Starting from today, all that can change if we as Consumers become more active in ‘voicing’ our concerns and demands in a virtual face off; a web based consumer movement driven by the collective knowledge that a growing consumer consciousness will have a huge impact on the way business is done in Nigeria.
Today, I would like to focus on the Big Four GSM Service providers. Please spend a few seconds to take the survey.
Let’s Rate them.
Let’s rebuild our Economy one Poll at a time.
Stay Rooted


Rate MTN's Service

Rate Glo's Service

Rate Airtel's Service

Rate Etisalat's Service
