Renowned Film Director Tunde Kelani's 2002 Agoro Eewo is in my opinion the best home movie I have been priviledged to watch in ages. Perharps if I had watched it the year it was released, it may not have resonated in the same way it did for me when I stumbled upon it on DSTV's African Magic...All in all it seemed like a reflection of our TODAY:
I couldn't resist the temptation of clicking away at the TV screen as I watched:
Dejumo Lewis as Oba of Jogbo who
ascends the throne after a corrupt Oba does not hesitate to name and discipline
the crooks on his "cabinet"; Balogun, Seriki and Iyalaje.. Even when
his Queen employs her feminine wiles to con him into releasing Kingdom funds
for her Fashion Project he turns her down
groit tells the story of the legend of Areku the masked dancer who sat out a
public dance looking on dejectedly while others were Chaired on as they danced.
His friends noticing his dejection asked why he wasn't dancing; without
speaking, he lifted his garments to show them he had no shoes. His friends gave
him a beautiful pair of shoes and he danced to his heart’s content to the
amazement of the crowd that cheered him. His friends got jealous and confiscate
the shoes; not wanting to disappoint them, he dances on with bruised feet. The crowd
notice his discomfort and soon people start bringing shoes to him and cheer him
on to the chagrin and shame of his friends |
"good" Chiefs mostly younger dudes confront the older chiefs and
resign from the cabinet. Kabiyesi calls them "patriots in a hurry".
Change in Jogbo does not happen in a day he says "the die is cast" as
he tells all Chiefs in Jogbo take an oath. "THEY" resist change
Assassins are unleashed on the good men but The Kings oath protects the good.
The King's Curse comes Alive. Chaos reigns; the King refuses his to send
soldiers against mischief makers |
The day of the oath taking. These
dudes are the foot soldiers of the corrupt chiefs and their mandate is to
disrupt the day of cleansing
The caption at the bottom says it all..The
Day of reckoning arrives
The die is cast indeed at this point
some start to volunteer confessions. Balogun feigns illness to be exempted a
doctor is called he declares him fit; the oath must continue. Iyalaje begs to
The bad Chiefs die, those that
confess are pardoned and "dechiefed" warring factions unite;
Saworo-ide drum is beaten; peace returns to Jagbo with the caution "when
evil sprouts cut it out immediately"
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