July 6th Nigeria Army Day..... They are Quick and soon dead that wemight live: But at what cost I ask?


Today July 6th is Nigerian Army day. Since the beginning of the insurgence, hardly a day goes by without a military family interning the remains of a loved one.
We have become a nation of folks adept at spewing rhetorics and beyond the "Eya" and "Omashe" it becomes for us business as usual.

The Army " the quick and Even the dead" fight the good fight, they carry the guns on the killing fields whilst we pontificate from the buttons of devices. 
Today we can add our voice to do all we can to put the soldiers and their families on the front burner of the minds of Nigerians

By their orientation and Zombie training that has also rubbed off on their families, they don't ask for help so it has become very easy for us to forget them.

I am hopeful that we will in our own little way Reach out in whatever way we can and give of ourselves to the Nigerian Army  who are serving us in the name of our freedom

Stay Rooted 
