The Pharisees, Sadducees and Hater Jews may have accused Jesus Christ of all sorts of crimes, but I doubt they ever accused him of being dull, boring or lacking in Creativity.

Who else but Jesus would see where a woman is about to be stoned by a baying crowd and rather than run to her aid or invoke the Host of Heaven to deliver her or simply Ported her out of the midst of the Crowd- Yes Ke! After all He walked off from the crowd that wanted to hurl him down the precipice -
No! Not my Master; who simply stooped to the ground, head lowered and busied Himself scribbling in the sand, uttered a few choice words and the crowd dispersed in shame.

Only Jesus would in the midst of a storm go about His Beauty Nap whilst a Fearful bunch ran around like headless chickens. I can imagine Him with a Smirk on His lips thinking "O Faithless Generation, how dare you fathom the possibility of death when Peace rides the Storm"

Only Jesus would put to rest the argument bothering from whence man came when from dust and spittle no less he formed eyes for the empty sockets in a man's Eye.....Hmmmmm and we see simple American Wonder by mere mortals and think they are all that....

A Rebel with a definite Cause, He rocked with Sinners and Saints as He pleased.....He commandeered property and yet He couldn't be described as a rogue because what He gave in return by far superseded what He took. 
I would gladly give Him my boat any day in return for a net breaking yield.

When He met with candidates for healing, nary did He bother whether they were saved or not. He was a walking Nike advert and He JUST DID IT.

.......He went on and on and in a great blaze of Divine showmanship, He hung on the Cross on that Fateful day.
Haaaaaaaaaaa! I tell you without a thought for whether I was worth it or not, My Master, The Lion of The Tribe of Judah, become a meek lamb and AFTER HE HAD DONE IT ALL, HE JUST "TOOK" IT.
Yes He "TOOK" sickness feelings of condemnation
........Every Judgement against me

YES! He "TOOK" that Fall because of Me
He washed it down with Vinegar on A Stick of Hyssop...that no longer will it be said that my teeth stand on edge because my father ate sour grapes...
Yes! He Took it , Thought of Me.........Breathed His Last that I may Yet Breathe again......

Yes, My Master Lives in me and one thing you can't accuse me of, is that I am a bore
Stay Rooted
Zuriel ( Neneh)
