Hey! Sister # 1
No matter how, anointed you/ I may believe we are or people say we are, no matter the power of HIS manifested presence we have witnessed, no matter how much we profess to say we LOVE GOD, I tell you (even as I tell Me), the moment we the lose our Fear of God, we become vulnerable to the whims and caprices of satan because God's steadfast love is no longer assured; no longer are we guaranteed the sure mercies of David and most importantly. Our "OBEDIENCE" of HIS WORD becomes an Eye Service matter. Having every form of Holiness and becoming an Oscar worthy actor as we act out the " CHRISTIANESE" Script in public but denying the Power thereof within the confines of our private spaces.
We are often plagued by secret sins and little foxes forgetting that God is Omnipresent .........As the sins mount, the breach in the hedge grows wider (expands), sooner than we know we become very brazen and the hidden sins come to light proving the Words " Do not be deceived God is not mocked" and the serpent bites and soon all hell lets loose as the very secrets we kept hidden become the monkey on our shoulders the world sees.
A time there was when it might have been okay to accept our secret sins and little foxes as our weaknesses - the necessary evil- we have to live with as long as it hurts no one . What Joy is there in hurting "You" the most important object of your affection. After all learning to Love Yourself is the greatest love of all No?. Irrespective of what "pushes" us to commit these sins, whether a philandering spouse or pursuit of the pleasure principle or even the need for instant gratification; isn't it sad that we dread being caught by people especially those we care about.....We fear the Creature and careless about the Creator.
Just this once, It won't hurt to believe that the Psalmist's Testimony can become ours too "He delivered me from my strong enemy , and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me." Psalm 18:17...... Yes! Indeed secret sins are usually stronger than you think they are. They begin quite subtly and soon have you In a vice grip; that private pleasure you just can't let go soon becomes your Master. You soon realise that much as the Spirit is willing the flesh is usually weak. I am in a position to know NO?
My Catch Phrase of the day " Open Up to God" ....Yes HE knows the issue, but HE needs you to acknowledge HIS existence even in the darkness......Admitting one's weakness and crying out for Help is a major step to rediscovering our reverence and FEAR for the MASTER...
All it takes is a whispered word to HIM.....No greater Counsellor or Comforter than HIM.
So I tell You as I tell myself today.
Hey Sister! FEAR THE LORD! That you might "BECOME"
Stay Rooted
OSA ( Zuriel)
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